Author: Breken

Why Is Monday My Favourite Day For Commercial Window Cleaning?

How do you like to start your working week? A fresh cup of coffee before the regular team meeting or bursting through the piled-up tasks like a bull seeing red? I guess I like the latter better. And if I have my most challenging jobs for the week at its very start, I feel like I am going downhill from Monday onwards.

It is just one of the reasons why Monday is my favourite day for commercial window cleaning, especially when working on weekly bookings. There are, however, more pragmatic reasons. The weekends are my least favourite days to clean window displays, shop or restaurant fronts – when the weather is good most people come out for a walk, and the pavement becomes a bit too crowded for my liking. Weekends and Fridays are also the busiest days for most retail businesses, restaurants, and pubs in London.

What does this mean? These three days are the most likely period for window displays and storefronts to get dirty and covered in fingerprints and streaks. A couple of children with ice cream or doughnuts is all it takes to negate your glass polishing efforts. So what good is even the best window washing on a Wednesday or Thursday if the glass is already dirty a couple of days later?

On the contrary, Monday and Tuesday are usually the slowest period of the week for most London front-line businesses. So if I polish a large storefront on a Monday morning, I have a double advantage – I can more effectively remove the accumulated dirt and stains from the weekend; my cleaning effort will be more sustainable. Tough to beat that combination, isn’t it?